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Top 15

- Animexx Treffen (15)
- HGWAnime (15)
- Event - Bericht (14)
- Gewinnspiel (10)
- Märchenspinnerei (10)
- Review (10)
- Supernatural (TV-Serie) (10)
- Doctor Who (9)
- Märchen (9)
- Webcomic (6)
- Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (5)
- Challenge (5)
- Film (5)
- Interview (5)
- Märchensommer (5)

Noch 4 Tage Märchensommer! Märchen und Sagen (Sonstige), Galgenmärchen, Gewinnspiel, Märchen, Märchenspinnerei, Verlosung

Autor:  konpaku

Der Märchensommer geht zu Ende. Noch bis Freitag können die Fragen und Rätsel beantwortet werden, um einen der tollen Preise zu gewinnen.

U.a. sind das Print-Ausgaben und E-Books der Märchenspinnerei und der Galgenmärchen.


Sowie Postkarten und/oder A4 Prints mit märchenhaften Motiven von abgemeldet und panicYoYo

Für mehr Informationen zu Preisen und Punkte sammeln, schaut hier vorbei: Märchensommer


Noch 4 Tage Märchensommer! Märchen und Sagen (Sonstige), Galgenmärchen, Gewinnspiel, Märchen, Märchenspinnerei, Verlosung

Autor:  konpaku

Der Märchensommer geht zu Ende. Noch bis Freitag können die Fragen und Rätsel beantwortet werden, um einen der tollen Preise zu gewinnen.

U.a. sind das Print-Ausgaben und E-Books der Märchenspinnerei und der Galgenmärchen.


Sowie Postkarten und/oder A4 Prints mit märchenhaften Motiven von abgemeldet und panicYoYo

Für mehr Informationen zu Preisen und Punkte sammeln, schaut hier vorbei: Märchensommer


Märchenrallye Märchen und Sagen (Sonstige), Gewinnspiel, Märchen, Märchenspinnerei, Rallye

Autor:  konpaku

Im Märchensommer gibt es etwas ganz besonderes, denn Janna Ruth – ihres Zeichens Märchenspinnerin und Autorin der Adaption der zertanzten Schuhe – hat sich eine Märchen Rallye ausgedacht. Von der ich auch ein Teil bin – und ich musste mich nicht mal dafür anmelden.

Die Märchenrallye – Ablauf

Die Rallye startete auf der Seite der Märchenspinnerei und von dort an folgt man den Fragen über diverse Blogs. Auf jedem Blog gibt es eine Frage zu einem Märchen. Mit der richtigen Antwort gelangt man dann zu einem Lösungsbuchstaben bis sich das Ganze zu einem Lösungswort zusammensetzt. Mit diesem Lösungswort kann man dann bis zum 15.8. ein märchenhaftes Paket gewinnen. Genaueres erfahrt ihr hier: Märchenspinnerei.

Wenn du Spaß daran hast Märchenrätsel zu lösen, dann mach doch gleich beim Märchensommer mit! Noch bis 25.8. können Punkte für tolle Preise gesammelt werden! Mehr Informationen hier: Märchensommer.

Mein Lösungsbuchstabe


Lies weiter: Märchenrallye

Märchenrallye Märchen und Sagen (Sonstige), Gewinnspiel, Märchen, Märchenspinnerei, Rallye

Autor:  konpaku

Im Märchensommer gibt es etwas ganz besonderes, denn Janna Ruth – ihres Zeichens Märchenspinnerin und Autorin der Adaption der zertanzten Schuhe – hat sich eine Märchen Rallye ausgedacht. Von der ich auch ein Teil bin – und ich musste mich nicht mal dafür anmelden.

Die Märchenrallye – Ablauf

Die Rallye startete auf der Seite der Märchenspinnerei und von dort an folgt man den Fragen über diverse Blogs. Auf jedem Blog gibt es eine Frage zu einem Märchen. Mit der richtigen Antwort gelangt man dann zu einem Lösungsbuchstaben bis sich das Ganze zu einem Lösungswort zusammensetzt. Mit diesem Lösungswort kann man dann bis zum 15.8. ein märchenhaftes Paket gewinnen. Genaueres erfahrt ihr hier: Märchenspinnerei.

Wenn du Spaß daran hast Märchenrätsel zu lösen, dann mach doch gleich beim Märchensommer mit! Noch bis 25.8. können Punkte für tolle Preise gesammelt werden! Mehr Informationen hier: Märchensommer.

Mein Lösungsbuchstabe


Lies weiter: Märchenrallye

Janna Ruth: Im Bann der zertanzten Schuhe Märchen und Sagen (Sonstige), Ballett, Gewinnspiel, interview, Märchen, Märchensommer, Märchenspinnerei, PTSD, Review

Autor:  konpaku

As part of the Fairy Tale Summer/Märchensommer you get my review for Im Bann der zertanzten Schuhe (Under the Spell of the worn-out Dancing Shoes) by Janna Ruth.

What is it about?


Even after two years  the war still has its hold on Jonas and nightmares and visions are his constant companions. As he one day wanders through a new town he reaches the DeModie and stumbling out of it is the cheerful Sophie who unexpectedly enchants him with her liveliness. Shortly after he learns that the job he’s applying for is from her father who wants to hire him to know what his daughter is doing every night. As Jonas soon finds out is the former ballerina off to dance with her prince, Luca, in the DeModie, an enchanted realm right within the nightlife.

The worn-out dancing Shoes with less princesses, but even more magical by the Märchenspinnerei.

The reading experience

For this one I as well wrote down some thoughts in the Reading Group on Facebook (Magical Book Reading) and also kept track of them on Goodreads, so most things might sound familiar.

The story is told in turns from Jonas’ and Sophie’s perspectives, but not in first person. The chapters are much longer than the ones from the other Märchenspinnerei books and it’s a nice change. Every chapter title uses a phrase and silhouette from ballet, as it is an integral part of Sophie’s life. Where Sophie’s chapters are mostly magical and phantastic, Jonas’ brings a more realistic view to the page and it’s a great contrast to see things through their very different eyes. At one point we even get to see a scene from both their perspectives, something I always enjoy in different media. The story itself manages to switch between very soft, quiet passages and energetic climaxes, just like in a good ballad. :D


At the core of it, the book is a love story and therefore has the necessary elements: A girl with rose-coloured glasses, a lover’s oath and instant affection. Some of it is explained through the characters situations and characteristics, but for someone like me, who’s not that much into romance it’s hard to take serious. Still, it doesn’t get too much attention and is integrated nice and naturally – especially the reactions in some situations. In general are the interactions between the characters and their respective reactions to certain turns of events very natural. Thus it doesn’t feel like your just reading a book, it feels more like you’re following their journey by their side.


The characters


As I’ve mentioned before are the interactions between the characters very natural, which makes following their story so much easier. You can see this interaction especially with Jonas and Sophie: They motivate and help each other without wanting anything in return. What’s best about the characters is that all of them are [...]

General Opinion

I know I’ve been repeated myself over and over how great I found certain aspects, but I just can’t help it. I write reviews the way I see stuff and this book really was something special that certainly put me under its spell (pun intended ;) ).

The more I thought about it, the more I believed that I didn’t read a book but a written composition. The language of the dance crossed over into the telling of the story and turned the flow of reading into a reading experience that varied between fast, exciting main themes, emotional climaxes and slow interludes.


Stuff I’d like to add

Continue Reading: Janna Ruth: Im Bann der zertanzten Schuhe

Interview mit der Autorin: Märchenspinnerei im Interview: Janna Ruth

Der Märchensommer läuft noch und man hat weiterhin die Chance einige tolle Preise zu gewinnen!

Für mehr Informationen zu Preisen und Punkte sammeln, schaut hier vorbei: Märchensommer

Janna Ruth: Im Bann der zertanzten Schuhe Märchen und Sagen (Sonstige), Ballett, Gewinnspiel, interview, Märchen, Märchensommer, Märchenspinnerei, PTSD, Review

Autor:  konpaku

As part of the Fairy Tale Summer/Märchensommer you get my review for Im Bann der zertanzten Schuhe (Under the Spell of the worn-out Dancing Shoes) by Janna Ruth.

What is it about?


Even after two years  the war still has its hold on Jonas and nightmares and visions are his constant companions. As he one day wanders through a new town he reaches the DeModie and stumbling out of it is the cheerful Sophie who unexpectedly enchants him with her liveliness. Shortly after he learns that the job he’s applying for is from her father who wants to hire him to know what his daughter is doing every night. As Jonas soon finds out is the former ballerina off to dance with her prince, Luca, in the DeModie, an enchanted realm right within the nightlife.

The worn-out dancing Shoes with less princesses, but even more magical by the Märchenspinnerei.

The reading experience

For this one I as well wrote down some thoughts in the Reading Group on Facebook (Magical Book Reading) and also kept track of them on Goodreads, so most things might sound familiar.

The story is told in turns from Jonas’ and Sophie’s perspectives, but not in first person. The chapters are much longer than the ones from the other Märchenspinnerei books and it’s a nice change. Every chapter title uses a phrase and silhouette from ballet, as it is an integral part of Sophie’s life. Where Sophie’s chapters are mostly magical and phantastic, Jonas’ brings a more realistic view to the page and it’s a great contrast to see things through their very different eyes. At one point we even get to see a scene from both their perspectives, something I always enjoy in different media. The story itself manages to switch between very soft, quiet passages and energetic climaxes, just like in a good ballad. :D


At the core of it, the book is a love story and therefore has the necessary elements: A girl with rose-coloured glasses, a lover’s oath and instant affection. Some of it is explained through the characters situations and characteristics, but for someone like me, who’s not that much into romance it’s hard to take serious. Still, it doesn’t get too much attention and is integrated nice and naturally – especially the reactions in some situations. In general are the interactions between the characters and their respective reactions to certain turns of events very natural. Thus it doesn’t feel like your just reading a book, it feels more like you’re following their journey by their side.


The characters


As I’ve mentioned before are the interactions between the characters very natural, which makes following their story so much easier. You can see this interaction especially with Jonas and Sophie: They motivate and help each other without wanting anything in return. What’s best about the characters is that all of them are [...]

General Opinion

I know I’ve been repeated myself over and over how great I found certain aspects, but I just can’t help it. I write reviews the way I see stuff and this book really was something special that certainly put me under its spell (pun intended ;) ).

The more I thought about it, the more I believed that I didn’t read a book but a written composition. The language of the dance crossed over into the telling of the story and turned the flow of reading into a reading experience that varied between fast, exciting main themes, emotional climaxes and slow interludes.


Stuff I’d like to add

Continue Reading: Janna Ruth: Im Bann der zertanzten Schuhe

Interview mit der Autorin: Märchenspinnerei im Interview: Janna Ruth

Der Märchensommer läuft noch und man hat weiterhin die Chance einige tolle Preise zu gewinnen!

Für mehr Informationen zu Preisen und Punkte sammeln, schaut hier vorbei: Märchensommer

Susanne Eisele: Kein Schnee im Hexenhaus Märchen und Sagen (Sonstige), challenge, Gewinnspiel, Hänsel und Gretel, interview, Märchensommer, Märchenspinnerei, Review

Autor:  konpaku

As part of the Fairy Tale Summer/Märchensommer you get my review for Kein Schnee im Hexenhaus (No Snow in the Witch House) by Susanne Eisele.

What is it about?

Hansjörg and Margarete are lost in the woods. Eventually they get picked up by the police, but everything goes downhill from there. Due to their repeated drug abuse their parents send them to a reformatory in the middle of nowhere. There they meet a real witch, monsters and poisonous plants.

But at least they are together and this way it’ll be easier for them to escape; or so they think…

Hänsel & Gretel are facing their drug problems in this adaptation by the Märchenspinnerei.

The reading experience

For this one I as well wrote down some thoughts in the Reading Group on Facebook (Magical Book Reading) and also kept track of them on Goodreads, so most things might sound familiar.

The story is told in different chapters that start with low page beginnings and in a mixture of outside-look and Hansi’s/Gretel’s-perspective. Towards the end there is a great perspective change to a different character, that I truly enjoyed as it felt much more mature and coherent than anything the youths’ brains could come up with…
Even if it starts off and ends with the typical Fairy Tale quotes the narration itself feels like a report of what happened. At first the chapter beginnings irritated me a bit, but I’ve gotten used to it. The perspective change was strange too, but what bugged me most, was the combination of teeny-slang-speech with high, sometimes even seemingly contrived language.


The characters


What I liked though were the names as someone really had fun with naming troublesome children: Hansjörg, Kevin, Serena…they already paint a fitting picture. :D
But the other names were chosen just as well:
Frau Hag, the witch; Waldmann (Forestman) for the Woodchopper-family; Krude (crude) the slimy social worker and the fairies Tinky (Tinkerbell) and Ali (Galadriel), even the Bodo, that I associate with a wiener dog. :D


General Opinion

An alternate version I enjoyed to venture into. An interesting take on the original stuff, with many great ideas (Bodo, the detox, the roles of witch and children), that portrays many important topics (e.g. drug abuse, co-dependence of siblings). Unfortunately did I not like the linguistic realization in some passages and the characters stayed pretty superficial…
It still was fun to follow the events and be carried by the paranoia. :)

And there were too few moments with Bodo. ;)

Stuff I’d like to add

Continue Reading: Susanne Eisele: Kein Schnee im Hexenhaus

Interview mit der Autorin: Märchenspinnerei im Interview: Susanne Eisele

Der Märchensommer läuft noch und man hat weiterhin die Chance einige tolle Preise zu gewinnen!

Für mehr Informationen zu Preisen und Punkte sammeln, schaut hier vorbei: Märchensommer

Susanne Eisele: Kein Schnee im Hexenhaus Märchen und Sagen (Sonstige), challenge, Gewinnspiel, Hänsel und Gretel, interview, Märchensommer, Märchenspinnerei, Review

Autor:  konpaku

As part of the Fairy Tale Summer/Märchensommer you get my review for Kein Schnee im Hexenhaus (No Snow in the Witch House) by Susanne Eisele.

What is it about?

Hansjörg and Margarete are lost in the woods. Eventually they get picked up by the police, but everything goes downhill from there. Due to their repeated drug abuse their parents send them to a reformatory in the middle of nowhere. There they meet a real witch, monsters and poisonous plants.

But at least they are together and this way it’ll be easier for them to escape; or so they think…

Hänsel & Gretel are facing their drug problems in this adaptation by the Märchenspinnerei.

The reading experience

For this one I as well wrote down some thoughts in the Reading Group on Facebook (Magical Book Reading) and also kept track of them on Goodreads, so most things might sound familiar.

The story is told in different chapters that start with low page beginnings and in a mixture of outside-look and Hansi’s/Gretel’s-perspective. Towards the end there is a great perspective change to a different character, that I truly enjoyed as it felt much more mature and coherent than anything the youths’ brains could come up with…
Even if it starts off and ends with the typical Fairy Tale quotes the narration itself feels like a report of what happened. At first the chapter beginnings irritated me a bit, but I’ve gotten used to it. The perspective change was strange too, but what bugged me most, was the combination of teeny-slang-speech with high, sometimes even seemingly contrived language.


The characters


What I liked though were the names as someone really had fun with naming troublesome children: Hansjörg, Kevin, Serena…they already paint a fitting picture. :D
But the other names were chosen just as well:
Frau Hag, the witch; Waldmann (Forestman) for the Woodchopper-family; Krude (crude) the slimy social worker and the fairies Tinky (Tinkerbell) and Ali (Galadriel), even the Bodo, that I associate with a wiener dog. :D


General Opinion

An alternate version I enjoyed to venture into. An interesting take on the original stuff, with many great ideas (Bodo, the detox, the roles of witch and children), that portrays many important topics (e.g. drug abuse, co-dependence of siblings). Unfortunately did I not like the linguistic realization in some passages and the characters stayed pretty superficial…
It still was fun to follow the events and be carried by the paranoia. :)

And there were too few moments with Bodo. ;)

Stuff I’d like to add

Continue Reading: Susanne Eisele: Kein Schnee im Hexenhaus

Interview mit der Autorin: Märchenspinnerei im Interview: Susanne Eisele

Der Märchensommer läuft noch und man hat weiterhin die Chance einige tolle Preise zu gewinnen!

Für mehr Informationen zu Preisen und Punkte sammeln, schaut hier vorbei: Märchensommer

Tina Skupin: Hollerbrunn Märchen und Sagen (Sonstige), Challenge, Frau Holle, Gewinnspiel, interview, Märchensommer, Märchenspinnerei, review

Autor:  konpaku

As part of the Fairy Tale Summer/Märchensommer you get my review for Hollerbrunn by Tina Skupin.

What is it about?

Everything changes for Marie after her mothers death, especially when her fathers brings home her stepmother Desiree and her stepsister Pegg. When she has to take part in an internship everything goes topsy-turvy, as she isn’t allowed to take care of her mother’s restaurant as she had hoped, and Desiree doesn’t yet have a clue how to handle things. Instead she has to help out Frau Hollerbrunn (Ms. Hollerbrunn) at the Hollerhof (Hollergrange) and soon learns that not everything there is at it seems…

Frau Holle meets Alpine legends (with a hint of The Snow/Ice Queen) by the Märchenspinnerei.

The reading experience

For this one I as well wrote down some thoughts in the Reading Group on Facebook (Magical Book Reading) and also kept track of them on Goodreads, so most things might sound familiar.

As I told you before was this the adaptation I feared the most, because the premise is too familiar. When Tina and other readers assured me that the “mean” parts were well executed or rather in the first chapter that calmed me down a little. As I soon discovered myself it really isn’t as bad as I had feared; the description in the Axolotlking was worse…Here the focus is on the description of the loss not on what really happened and that made it easier for me.


Other than that did I directly dive into the Hollertal (Hollervalley). I can easily see the place before my inner eye. From bureaucratic nonsense to the general interactions, all of it felt natural and realistic. I was taken in by the descriptions pretty fast and later didn’t want to put the book down as it was nearing its end. It had some quite surprising and exciting twists and portrayed certain dangers quite well. I was quite excited while reading some parts of it, even if some stuff was – and still is – quite confusing regarding the backstory of certain characters. Unfortunately including that would have been too much for the story. :(

The characters

I never thought I’d find a version of Frau Holle where I [...]

General Opinion

I like the combination of Frau Holle with the idea of the Snow/Ice Queen and some Alpine legends, it just worked very well together. Also great were the twists on the original tales elements like the he whole baking and picking apples part (two of my favourite scenes), and the stepmother. [...]

Stuff I’d like to add

Continue Reading: Tina Skupin: Hollerbrunn

Interview mit der Autorin: Märchenspinnerei im Interview: Tina Skupin

Der Märchensommer läuft noch und man hat weiterhin die Chance einige tolle Preise zu gewinnen.

Für mehr Informationen zu Preisen und Punkte sammeln, schaut hier vorbei: Märchensommer

Tina Skupin: Hollerbrunn Märchen und Sagen (Sonstige), Challenge, Frau Holle, Gewinnspiel, interview, Märchensommer, Märchenspinnerei, review

Autor:  konpaku

As part of the Fairy Tale Summer/Märchensommer you get my review for Hollerbrunn by Tina Skupin.

What is it about?

Everything changes for Marie after her mothers death, especially when her fathers brings home her stepmother Desiree and her stepsister Pegg. When she has to take part in an internship everything goes topsy-turvy, as she isn’t allowed to take care of her mother’s restaurant as she had hoped, and Desiree doesn’t yet have a clue how to handle things. Instead she has to help out Frau Hollerbrunn (Ms. Hollerbrunn) at the Hollerhof (Hollergrange) and soon learns that not everything there is at it seems…

Frau Holle meets Alpine legends (with a hint of The Snow/Ice Queen) by the Märchenspinnerei.

The reading experience

For this one I as well wrote down some thoughts in the Reading Group on Facebook (Magical Book Reading) and also kept track of them on Goodreads, so most things might sound familiar.

As I told you before was this the adaptation I feared the most, because the premise is too familiar. When Tina and other readers assured me that the “mean” parts were well executed or rather in the first chapter that calmed me down a little. As I soon discovered myself it really isn’t as bad as I had feared; the description in the Axolotlking was worse…Here the focus is on the description of the loss not on what really happened and that made it easier for me.


Other than that did I directly dive into the Hollertal (Hollervalley). I can easily see the place before my inner eye. From bureaucratic nonsense to the general interactions, all of it felt natural and realistic. I was taken in by the descriptions pretty fast and later didn’t want to put the book down as it was nearing its end. It had some quite surprising and exciting twists and portrayed certain dangers quite well. I was quite excited while reading some parts of it, even if some stuff was – and still is – quite confusing regarding the backstory of certain characters. Unfortunately including that would have been too much for the story. :(

The characters

I never thought I’d find a version of Frau Holle where I [...]

General Opinion

I like the combination of Frau Holle with the idea of the Snow/Ice Queen and some Alpine legends, it just worked very well together. Also great were the twists on the original tales elements like the he whole baking and picking apples part (two of my favourite scenes), and the stepmother. [...]

Stuff I’d like to add

Continue Reading: Tina Skupin: Hollerbrunn

Interview mit der Autorin: Märchenspinnerei im Interview: Tina Skupin

Der Märchensommer läuft noch und man hat weiterhin die Chance einige tolle Preise zu gewinnen.

Für mehr Informationen zu Preisen und Punkte sammeln, schaut hier vorbei: Märchensommer

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