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- Supernatural (TV-Serie) (10)
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A watchful Halloween Nightmare before Christmas, Halloween, Buffy - Im Bann der Dämonen, Supernatural (TV-Serie), Castle, Filme, Grimm, Halloween, Psych, Serien, Special

Autor:  konpaku

Just as I did the last couple of years, did I want to write something for this years Halloween.
So far you got: (Childhood) Halloween Memories and some spooky local legends.
This time it’ll be a recommendation of spooky Specials of TV Series or Movies. So have fun checking them out and maybe you want to add your own favourites to the list. :) (Note: I know there is a full list on Wikipedia, but I prefer recommending stuff, that I’ve seen before ;) ).

Halloweentown I-IV

One of the must-haves for me. It’s quirky it’s funny, not that scary, but scary enough to make little children cringe and most of all: Full of fantastical creatures.


Castle – Vampire Weekend


Psych – This Episode Sucks



Grimm – La Llorona


Honourable Mentions

There are a lot more Halloween themed Episodes or Movies, but I want to leave it at that, so still need some time to go Trick-or-Treating, right? ;)

But if you still haven’t gotten enough spooky stuff do try the original Sleepy Hollow movie or even Nightmare Before Christmas.
Buffy and Supernatural themselves pretty much are constantly Halloween-themed, but [...]

Continue Reading: A watchful Halloween

A watchful Halloween Nightmare before Christmas, Halloween, Buffy - Im Bann der Dämonen, Supernatural (TV-Serie), Castle, Filme, Grimm, Halloween, Psych, Serien, Special

Autor:  konpaku

Just as I did the last couple of years, did I want to write something for this years Halloween.
So far you got: (Childhood) Halloween Memories and some spooky local legends.
This time it’ll be a recommendation of spooky Specials of TV Series or Movies. So have fun checking them out and maybe you want to add your own favourites to the list. :) (Note: I know there is a full list on Wikipedia, but I prefer recommending stuff, that I’ve seen before ;) ).

Halloweentown I-IV

One of the must-haves for me. It’s quirky it’s funny, not that scary, but scary enough to make little children cringe and most of all: Full of fantastical creatures.


Castle – Vampire Weekend


Psych – This Episode Sucks



Grimm – La Llorona


Honourable Mentions

There are a lot more Halloween themed Episodes or Movies, but I want to leave it at that, so still need some time to go Trick-or-Treating, right? ;)

But if you still haven’t gotten enough spooky stuff do try the original Sleepy Hollow movie or even Nightmare Before Christmas.
Buffy and Supernatural themselves pretty much are constantly Halloween-themed, but [...]

Continue Reading: A watchful Halloween

A watchful Halloween Nightmare before Christmas, Halloween, Buffy - Im Bann der Dämonen, Supernatural (TV-Serie), Castle, Filme, Grimm, Halloween, Psych, Serien, Special

Autor:  konpaku

Just as I did the last couple of years, did I want to write something for this years Halloween.
So far you got: (Childhood) Halloween Memories and some spooky local legends.
This time it’ll be a recommendation of spooky Specials of TV Series or Movies. So have fun checking them out and maybe you want to add your own favourites to the list. :) (Note: I know there is a full list on Wikipedia, but I prefer recommending stuff, that I’ve seen before ;) ).

Halloweentown I-IV

One of the must-haves for me. It’s quirky it’s funny, not that scary, but scary enough to make little children cringe and most of all: Full of fantastical creatures.


Castle – Vampire Weekend


Psych – This Episode Sucks



Grimm – La Llorona


Honourable Mentions

There are a lot more Halloween themed Episodes or Movies, but I want to leave it at that, so still need some time to go Trick-or-Treating, right? ;)

But if you still haven’t gotten enough spooky stuff do try the original Sleepy Hollow movie or even Nightmare Before Christmas.
Buffy and Supernatural themselves pretty much are constantly Halloween-themed, but [...]

Continue Reading: A watchful Halloween

A watchful Halloween Nightmare before Christmas, Halloween, Buffy - Im Bann der Dämonen, Supernatural (TV-Serie), Castle, Filme, Grimm, Halloween, Psych, Serien, Special

Autor:  konpaku

Just as I did the last couple of years, did I want to write something for this years Halloween.
So far you got: (Childhood) Halloween Memories and some spooky local legends.
This time it’ll be a recommendation of spooky Specials of TV Series or Movies. So have fun checking them out and maybe you want to add your own favourites to the list. :) (Note: I know there is a full list on Wikipedia, but I prefer recommending stuff, that I’ve seen before ;) ).

Halloweentown I-IV

One of the must-haves for me. It’s quirky it’s funny, not that scary, but scary enough to make little children cringe and most of all: Full of fantastical creatures.


Castle – Vampire Weekend


Psych – This Episode Sucks



Grimm – La Llorona


Honourable Mentions

There are a lot more Halloween themed Episodes or Movies, but I want to leave it at that, so still need some time to go Trick-or-Treating, right? ;)

But if you still haven’t gotten enough spooky stuff do try the original Sleepy Hollow movie or even Nightmare Before Christmas.
Buffy and Supernatural themselves pretty much are constantly Halloween-themed, but [...]

Continue Reading: A watchful Halloween

A watchful Halloween Nightmare before Christmas, Halloween, Buffy - Im Bann der Dämonen, Supernatural (TV-Serie), Castle, Filme, Grimm, Halloween, Psych, Serien, Special

Autor:  konpaku

Just as I did the last couple of years, did I want to write something for this years Halloween.
So far you got: (Childhood) Halloween Memories and some spooky local legends.
This time it’ll be a recommendation of spooky Specials of TV Series or Movies. So have fun checking them out and maybe you want to add your own favourites to the list. :) (Note: I know there is a full list on Wikipedia, but I prefer recommending stuff, that I’ve seen before ;) ).

Halloweentown I-IV

One of the must-haves for me. It’s quirky it’s funny, not that scary, but scary enough to make little children cringe and most of all: Full of fantastical creatures.


Castle – Vampire Weekend


Psych – This Episode Sucks



Grimm – La Llorona


Honourable Mentions

There are a lot more Halloween themed Episodes or Movies, but I want to leave it at that, so still need some time to go Trick-or-Treating, right? ;)

But if you still haven’t gotten enough spooky stuff do try the original Sleepy Hollow movie or even Nightmare Before Christmas.
Buffy and Supernatural themselves pretty much are constantly Halloween-themed, but [...]

Continue Reading: A watchful Halloween

What’cha Watching Wednesday #8 Supernatural (TV-Serie), Doctor Who & Torchwood, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., BBC Musketeers, Deadbeat, Doctor Who, Felicia Day, Grimm, Midnight in Paris, Reaper, Supernatural (TV-Serie), Ten Inch Hero

Autor:  konpaku

[Note: I will only post the titles of the episodes I watched/discussed here, you can find the full version here: What’cha Watching Wednesday #8]

I actually wanted to write a review for Felicia Day’s “You’re never weird on the internet (almost)“, but then I noticed it’s Wednesday and I haven’t done this thing in a while. So I present to you the eighth instalment of the What’cha Watching Wednesday, which again obviously covers more than one week.

WWWWhat is this about?

Every other Wednesday evening I will publish a post in which I collected the thoughts I had throughout the week(s) while watching the latest or any episode of a series or maybe even a movie.

Depending on how my time allows it, the comment will also be for those that I watched that day.

You’re warned: There will be Spoilers.


Let’s start


Supernatural – different episodes

  • It’s a terrible life
  • Ghostfacers
  • As Time Goes By
  • Everybody Hates Hitler
  • The Song remains the same
  • Pac-Man Fever
  • Hibbing 911
  • The Great Escapist
  • Reading is Fundamental
  • Citizen Fang
  • Changing Channels (German Dub!)

Grimm – Season 4, Episode 15 -20

-> general opinion - not Episode specific.

Doctor Who – Season 9, Episode 1-3

  • The Magician’s Apprentice
  • The Witch’s Familiar (mentions of other Episodes)
  • Under the Lake

The Musketeers – Season 2, Episode 8: The Accused


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – Season 3, Episode 1: Laws of Nature


Deadbeat – Season 1/2, Episode 1-6

Like Undateable I am not entirely sure what to make of this show. I saw the add for the German version, checked out the English one – as it stars Tyler Labin from Reaper – and half into the second Season, I still think this is a very weird series. It’s still fun, though. And Lucy DeVito is soo cute… Still, twenty minutes an episode are far too short to get some actual grip on the characters and the world. It got better by now, but it’s still quite lacking and very random…

Different Movies

  • Midnight in Paris
  • Ten Inch Hero
  • The Forsaken

What were you watching?

What episodes (or movies) did you enjoy/dislike throughout the week/month?
Anything you’d recommend checking out?
Let me know in the comments below!

Continue Reading: What’cha Watching Wednesday #8

What’cha Watching Wednesday #8 Supernatural (TV-Serie), Doctor Who & Torchwood, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., BBC Musketeers, Deadbeat, Doctor Who, Felicia Day, Grimm, Midnight in Paris, Reaper, Supernatural (TV-Serie), Ten Inch Hero

Autor:  konpaku

[Note: I will only post the titles of the episodes I watched/discussed here, you can find the full version here: What’cha Watching Wednesday #8]

I actually wanted to write a review for Felicia Day’s “You’re never weird on the internet (almost)“, but then I noticed it’s Wednesday and I haven’t done this thing in a while. So I present to you the eighth instalment of the What’cha Watching Wednesday, which again obviously covers more than one week.

WWWWhat is this about?

Every other Wednesday evening I will publish a post in which I collected the thoughts I had throughout the week(s) while watching the latest or any episode of a series or maybe even a movie.

Depending on how my time allows it, the comment will also be for those that I watched that day.

You’re warned: There will be Spoilers.


Let’s start


Supernatural – different episodes

  • It’s a terrible life
  • Ghostfacers
  • As Time Goes By
  • Everybody Hates Hitler
  • The Song remains the same
  • Pac-Man Fever
  • Hibbing 911
  • The Great Escapist
  • Reading is Fundamental
  • Citizen Fang
  • Changing Channels (German Dub!)

Grimm – Season 4, Episode 15 -20

-> general opinion - not Episode specific.

Doctor Who – Season 9, Episode 1-3

  • The Magician’s Apprentice
  • The Witch’s Familiar (mentions of other Episodes)
  • Under the Lake

The Musketeers – Season 2, Episode 8: The Accused


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – Season 3, Episode 1: Laws of Nature


Deadbeat – Season 1/2, Episode 1-6

Like Undateable I am not entirely sure what to make of this show. I saw the add for the German version, checked out the English one – as it stars Tyler Labin from Reaper – and half into the second Season, I still think this is a very weird series. It’s still fun, though. And Lucy DeVito is soo cute… Still, twenty minutes an episode are far too short to get some actual grip on the characters and the world. It got better by now, but it’s still quite lacking and very random…

Different Movies

  • Midnight in Paris
  • Ten Inch Hero
  • The Forsaken

What were you watching?

What episodes (or movies) did you enjoy/dislike throughout the week/month?
Anything you’d recommend checking out?
Let me know in the comments below!

Continue Reading: What’cha Watching Wednesday #8

What’cha Watching Wednesday #8 Supernatural (TV-Serie), Doctor Who & Torchwood, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., BBC Musketeers, Deadbeat, Doctor Who, Felicia Day, Grimm, Midnight in Paris, Reaper, Supernatural (TV-Serie), Ten Inch Hero

Autor:  konpaku

[Note: I will only post the titles of the episodes I watched/discussed here, you can find the full version here: What’cha Watching Wednesday #8]

I actually wanted to write a review for Felicia Day’s “You’re never weird on the internet (almost)“, but then I noticed it’s Wednesday and I haven’t done this thing in a while. So I present to you the eighth instalment of the What’cha Watching Wednesday, which again obviously covers more than one week.

WWWWhat is this about?

Every other Wednesday evening I will publish a post in which I collected the thoughts I had throughout the week(s) while watching the latest or any episode of a series or maybe even a movie.

Depending on how my time allows it, the comment will also be for those that I watched that day.

You’re warned: There will be Spoilers.


Let’s start


Supernatural – different episodes

  • It’s a terrible life
  • Ghostfacers
  • As Time Goes By
  • Everybody Hates Hitler
  • The Song remains the same
  • Pac-Man Fever
  • Hibbing 911
  • The Great Escapist
  • Reading is Fundamental
  • Citizen Fang
  • Changing Channels (German Dub!)

Grimm – Season 4, Episode 15 -20

-> general opinion - not Episode specific.

Doctor Who – Season 9, Episode 1-3

  • The Magician’s Apprentice
  • The Witch’s Familiar (mentions of other Episodes)
  • Under the Lake

The Musketeers – Season 2, Episode 8: The Accused


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – Season 3, Episode 1: Laws of Nature


Deadbeat – Season 1/2, Episode 1-6

Like Undateable I am not entirely sure what to make of this show. I saw the add for the German version, checked out the English one – as it stars Tyler Labin from Reaper – and half into the second Season, I still think this is a very weird series. It’s still fun, though. And Lucy DeVito is soo cute… Still, twenty minutes an episode are far too short to get some actual grip on the characters and the world. It got better by now, but it’s still quite lacking and very random…

Different Movies

  • Midnight in Paris
  • Ten Inch Hero
  • The Forsaken

What were you watching?

What episodes (or movies) did you enjoy/dislike throughout the week/month?
Anything you’d recommend checking out?
Let me know in the comments below!

Continue Reading: What’cha Watching Wednesday #8

What’cha Watching Wednesday #3 Supernatural (TV-Serie), Once Upon A Time, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., BBC Musketeers, Grimm, Once Upon A Time, Pretender, Supernatural (TV-Serie)

Autor:  konpaku

Due to my long absence from Blogging this is only the third instalment of the What’cha Watching Wednesday, but also one that will span more than one week.

What is this about?

Each Wednesday evening I will publish a post in which I collected the thoughts I had throughout the week while watching the latest or any episode of a series or maybe even a movie.

Depending on how my time allows it, the comment will also be for those that I watched that day.

You’re warned: There will be Spoilers.

Let’s start

Grimm – Season Two, Episode 14: Bad Luck (Watch Date: ~21.03.)

When I felt a bit better I tried to regain some normalcy by catching up with the shows I watch. Grimm was one of them. Some time back I already talked a bit about the show (still have to re-write that post) and I also mentioned that I want to make another series about the weird usage of German words in it, but so far I didn’t get around to talk more about it.

What I also didn’t manage to do is catch up further.
I’m still a few episodes behind and this one is the last I saw (I tried watching Double Date, but stopped after ten minutes or so, because I didn’t feel like watching more).

Anyway, the episode put an interesting twist on the “Lucky Rabbits Foot” myth, but took a weird turn on the actual story line.
I’m still not sure about the whole [...]

Marvels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – Season Two, Episode 12/13: Who You Really Are/One of Us (Watch Date:~21.03.)

[...] struggles with her new powers, [...] and [...] reveal to [...] who they really work for and [...] teams up with quite destructive forces.
Or simply put: This show gets more and more interesting and I just don’t feel like watching, as much as I want to. >_<

As for these two episodes: [...]

The Musketeers – Season Two, Episode 18: The Prodigal Father (Watch Date: ~21.03.)

Another series I probably haven’t mentioned yet.
I initially started watching this one because I wanted to see Peter Capaldi in a different role than the strange rival Doctor from Fortysomething and to see him in action before he became The Doctor.
The show is fun and interesting and the actors are great.

This episode focused a bit on [...]

Supernatural – Season 10, Episodes 15-17: The things they carried/Paint it Black/Inside Man (Watch Date: ~21.03./~Easter)

Logging on to Tumblr and not being spoilered for Supernatural is quite impossible, so I did manage/was forced to get up to date with this one.

I don’t really know what to think about the current story line. I never really felt connected to [...]

Once Upon a Time – Season Four, Episodes 14-16: Darkness on the Edge of Town/Unforgiven/Enter the Dragon (Watch Date: ~23.03)

As I mentioned before (another re-write worthy post) did I get hooked onto this series quite fast. Now it’s into its fourth Season and many things have happened since then.

Though a few things remained unchanged for me: Regina is still my favourite character and I still don’t like the Charmings.


The Pretender – Season One-Four + Movies (Watch Date: March/April)

Well….the only thing I currently seem to be able to watch is this old show…

When I was a teenager I caught some episodes on television and really liked what I saw. For quite some time now I wanted to watch the whole series and now as I didn’t want to tarnish the other series I’m following by watching them with a heavy heart I decided to catch up with this one. (I also tried Parks and Recreations to get my mind off of things, but I got kind of bored after the first Season)

I do believe there will be a separate post about it one day, but let me tell you this: It is surprisingly helpful when trying to cope with the loss of a loved one. The series deals a lot with these kind of things and portrays some great life values.


What were you watching?

What episodes (or movies) did you enjoy/dislike throughout the week/month?
Anything you’d recommend checking out?
Let me know in the comments below!

Continue Reading: What'cha Watching Wednesday #3

What’cha Watching Wednesday #3 Supernatural (TV-Serie), Once Upon A Time, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., BBC Musketeers, Grimm, Once Upon A Time, Pretender, Supernatural (TV-Serie)

Autor:  konpaku

Due to my long absence from Blogging this is only the third instalment of the What’cha Watching Wednesday, but also one that will span more than one week.

What is this about?

Each Wednesday evening I will publish a post in which I collected the thoughts I had throughout the week while watching the latest or any episode of a series or maybe even a movie.

Depending on how my time allows it, the comment will also be for those that I watched that day.

You’re warned: There will be Spoilers.

Let’s start

Grimm – Season Two, Episode 14: Bad Luck (Watch Date: ~21.03.)

When I felt a bit better I tried to regain some normalcy by catching up with the shows I watch. Grimm was one of them. Some time back I already talked a bit about the show (still have to re-write that post) and I also mentioned that I want to make another series about the weird usage of German words in it, but so far I didn’t get around to talk more about it.

What I also didn’t manage to do is catch up further.
I’m still a few episodes behind and this one is the last I saw (I tried watching Double Date, but stopped after ten minutes or so, because I didn’t feel like watching more).

Anyway, the episode put an interesting twist on the “Lucky Rabbits Foot” myth, but took a weird turn on the actual story line.
I’m still not sure about the whole [...]

Marvels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – Season Two, Episode 12/13: Who You Really Are/One of Us (Watch Date:~21.03.)

[...] struggles with her new powers, [...] and [...] reveal to [...] who they really work for and [...] teams up with quite destructive forces.
Or simply put: This show gets more and more interesting and I just don’t feel like watching, as much as I want to. >_<

As for these two episodes: [...]

The Musketeers – Season Two, Episode 18: The Prodigal Father (Watch Date: ~21.03.)

Another series I probably haven’t mentioned yet.
I initially started watching this one because I wanted to see Peter Capaldi in a different role than the strange rival Doctor from Fortysomething and to see him in action before he became The Doctor.
The show is fun and interesting and the actors are great.

This episode focused a bit on [...]

Supernatural – Season 10, Episodes 15-17: The things they carried/Paint it Black/Inside Man (Watch Date: ~21.03./~Easter)

Logging on to Tumblr and not being spoilered for Supernatural is quite impossible, so I did manage/was forced to get up to date with this one.

I don’t really know what to think about the current story line. I never really felt connected to [...]

Once Upon a Time – Season Four, Episodes 14-16: Darkness on the Edge of Town/Unforgiven/Enter the Dragon (Watch Date: ~23.03)

As I mentioned before (another re-write worthy post) did I get hooked onto this series quite fast. Now it’s into its fourth Season and many things have happened since then.

Though a few things remained unchanged for me: Regina is still my favourite character and I still don’t like the Charmings.


The Pretender – Season One-Four + Movies (Watch Date: March/April)

Well….the only thing I currently seem to be able to watch is this old show…

When I was a teenager I caught some episodes on television and really liked what I saw. For quite some time now I wanted to watch the whole series and now as I didn’t want to tarnish the other series I’m following by watching them with a heavy heart I decided to catch up with this one. (I also tried Parks and Recreations to get my mind off of things, but I got kind of bored after the first Season)

I do believe there will be a separate post about it one day, but let me tell you this: It is surprisingly helpful when trying to cope with the loss of a loved one. The series deals a lot with these kind of things and portrays some great life values.


What were you watching?

What episodes (or movies) did you enjoy/dislike throughout the week/month?
Anything you’d recommend checking out?
Let me know in the comments below!

Continue Reading: What'cha Watching Wednesday #3

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