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Top 15

- Kagrra, (6)
- Konzert (6)
- R.I.P. (4)
- Versailles (4)
- Mein Japaner (3)
- Lieblingslied (2)
- Sasuke (2)
- The Gazette (2)
- 1911 (1)
- 1989 (1)
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- 21.10. (1)
- Akataiyou no Nihon (1)
- An Cafe (1)

R.I.P. Zill from Moran R.I.P.

Autor:  IsshiShiohara
Es ist kaum ein Monat vergangen das starb bereits Daisuke von KAGEROU.

Nun ereiellte die Musiker Welt Japans ein weiterer Schicksalsschlag.

Der Bassist von Moran, einer hier zu Lande eher unbekannte Band, Zill ist am 23.Juli verstorben.

Laut Angaben eines Band Mitglied hatte sich sein Gesundheits Zustan Rapide verschlechtert.
Die Beerdingung findet im Kreise der Familie und Freunde statt.

An dieser Stelle möchte ich all seinen Angehörigen mein tiefstes Beileid aussprechen und wünsche ihnen all die Kraft für die Zukunft die brauchen.

R.I.P Daisuke from Kagerou/the studs R.I.P.

Autor:  IsshiShiohara
Auf der Offiziellen Band Homepage von the studs teilte die Band heute mit das Daisuke in den frühen Morgenstunden des heutigen Tages verstorben sei.

Daisuke der mit seinen beiden Bandprojekte auch hier zu Lande durchaus erfolgreich war und der gerade erst ein neues Solo-Projekt angekündigt hatte, litt bereits seit früher Kindheit an einem schweren Herzproblem.

Ich wünsche der Familie und den Freunden Daisukes alles gute und viel Kraft für ihre Zukunft.

Er wird mir und anderen Fans immer im Herzen bleiben.

Die Band bedankt sich für all die Unterstüzung die sie die letzten jahren bekommen hat.

R.I.P. King of Pop R.I.P.

Autor:  IsshiShiohara
Michael Jackson - Heal the World


Think about the genrations and say
Say we want to make a better place for our children and our children's children,
so that they know there's a better world for them,
and think they make it a better place.


There's a place in your heart and I know that it is love.
And this place could be much brighter than tomorrow.
And if you really try you'll find there's no need to cry
in this place you'll feel there's no hurt or sorrow

There are ways to get there if you care enough
for the living make a little space make a better place

heal the world make it a better place for you and for me
and the entire human race there are people dying
if you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me

If you want to know why there's a love that can not lie
Love is strong it only cares of joyful giving if we try
we shall see in this bliss we can not feel fear or dread
we stop existing and start living

then it feels that always love's enough for us growing
so make a better world make a better world . . .

Heal the world make it a better place for you and for me
and the entire human race there are people dying
if you care enough for the living
make a better place for you and for me.

And the dream we were conceived in will reveal
a joyful face and the world we once believe in
will shine again in grace. Then why do we keep
strangling life wound this earth crucify its soul
Though it's plane to see this world in eavenly in god's glow

We could fly so high let our spririts never die
In my heart I feel you are all my brothers.
Create a world with no fear togheter we'll cry happy tears
see the nations turn their swords into plowshares.

We could really get there if you cared enough
for the living make a little space to make a better place . . .

Heal the world make it a better place for you and for me
and the entire human race there are people dying
if you care enough for the living
make a better place for you and for me

Heal the world make it a better place for you and for me
and the entire human race there are people dying
if you care enough for the living
make a better place for you and for me

Heal the world make it a better place for you and for me
and the entire human race there are people dying
if you care enough for the living
make a better place for you and for me

And there are people dying if you care enough for the living
make a better place for you and for me

And there are people dying if you care enough for the living
make a better place for you and for me

11x You and for me